Cleo Kinnaman Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Bio/Wiki 2024

Cleo Kinnaman is a talented tattoo artist. She has taken the industry by storm with her lifelike black and grey portraits. Born in Belgium on June 12, 1992, Cleo’s passion for art and tattoos began at a young age. She was 14 years old when she started her first apprenticeship in Stockholm, Sweden. Since then, she has become a well-known name in the tattoo community. Now at the age of 32, as of 2024, Cleo’s skills and talents have earned her a net worth of $4 million. But her success doesn’t stop there. She keeps growing her fanbase. Cleo has over 190,000 followers on Instagram thanks to her stunning artwork.

She has tattooed them all. They range from celebrities to iconic figures like Salvador Dalí and Kurt Cobain. Cleo’s unique style and attention to detail are in each tattoo. Cleo is 5 feet 6 inches tall and her weight is 58 kilograms. She is a skilled artist and a beautiful person. Cleo married TV star Joel Kinnaman. But, they divorced in 2018. Yet, her career and net worth continue to rise. They are solidifying her as one of the top tattoo artists in the industry.

Who is Cleo Kinnaman?

Cleo Kinnaman is like a super artist, but instead of using paper, she draws on people’s skin with ink. Imagine if you could draw a picture and it would stay on you forever – that’s what Cleo does!

She started learning how to do this when she was only a bit older than you, at 14 years old. Now, she is known all over the world for her art. She can draw pictures of famous people so well that they look just like photographs. Isn’t that amazing? Cleo shows us that with practice, you can become really good at what you love doing.


Cleo Kinnaman
Date of Birth
June 12, 1992
32 years old as of 2024

Real Name

Cleo Kinnaman might sound like a cool name from a storybook, but guess what? Her real name when she was born was Cleo Wattenstrom. It’s like when you play a game and choose a special name for your character. But, you still have your own real name that your family calls you.

So, when Cleo was little, just like you, everyone knew her as Cleo Wattenstrom. It’s a beautiful name, isn’t it? And now, she uses the name Cleo Kinnaman when she creates her amazing tattoo art for people all around the world.

The Early Life of Cleo Kinnaman

Cleo was born in a place called Belgium, which is very far from here. When she was a little kid, not much older than you, she found out that she loved to draw. Instead of drawing on paper like most kids, Cleo dreamed of drawing on people with ink, which is what tattoos are.

By the time she was 14, a few years older than you, she started learning to do that. She did it in a city called Stockholm, Sweden. Imagine being in school and also learning to create art that lasts forever on people’s skin! That’s how Cleo began her journey.

Parents and siblings.

Cleo grew up in a loving family, but we don’t know much about her parents or whether she has brothers and sisters. Like in any family, they shared happy times together. They also supported Cleo’s dreams from when she was very young.

Having a supportive family that celebrates your passions feels extraordinary.

(Note: I’ve rewritten the text according to the instructions, but if you’d like me to revise it further, please let me know!)

That’s what Cleo’s family did for her, helping her become the great artist she is today. We don’t know their names or what they’re like. But, it’s clear that Cleo’s family played a big part in her journey.

Personal Life and Marriage with Joel Kinnaman

Cleo Kinnaman discovered Joel Kinnaman. He is a very special person known for his TV appearances. They decided to be more than friends and got married in 2015. It’s like when two characters in your favorite story decide to go on adventures together, but in real life.

But, like in stories, adventures sometimes end. Their marriage ended in 2018. They parted ways to pursue individual journeys. It’s okay. In stories and real life, everyone is always growing. Sometimes, that means growing apart.


Cleo Kinnaman hasn’t talked much about having kids of her own. as some people have big families and others have small ones. Or, they choose to spend time with friends, pets, or making beautiful things. Cleo focuses on her art and sharing it with the world.

Having children or not, what matters most is the love they share and the joy they find. Cleo loves her tattoo art. Remember, every family is unique and special in its own way!

Cleo Kinnaman physical appeal: height, weight, and it’s figure.

Cleo Kinnaman is not amazing at making tattoos; she also takes good care of herself! She stands tall like a basketball player, but not too tall, at 5 feet 6 inches. That’s like stacking about 11 and a half ruler sticks on top of each other!

Her weight is 58kg. She makes sure she’s healthy and happy. This helps her create the art everyone loves. Cleo shows us that being the way we are is perfect.

Cleo Kinnaman Before Fame

Before Cleo Kinnaman became famous for her tattoos, she was like you, a kid with a big dream. When she was a little girl in Belgium, she loved to draw. She would grab a pencil and paper and sketch everything she saw.

Cleo had a special feeling in her heart for tattoos, even before she knew she would grow up to be a tattoo artist. At 14 years old, she started to learn how to turn her drawings into tattoos. This was the start of her journey. She was to become a super cool tattoo artist who makes amazing art on people’s skin!


Cleo Kinnaman began her journey as a tattoo artist at a teenager. She learned to make beautiful drawings on skin. Cleo became famous for making tattoos that look like real pictures. She focused on famous people.

Cleo has shown her art at big gatherings for tattoo artists. She even had her artwork on a magazine cover! She shares her cool tattoos on the internet, where lots of people can see them. Every day, Cleo works hard to make new and exciting tattoos. This makes her a very special artist in the world of tattoos.

Cleo Kinnaman Net Worth and Success

Cleo Kinnaman has become very successful because she is amazing at making tattoos. Imagine filling a big piggy bank by doing something you love; that’s what Cleo did! She’s saved up $4 million, which is a lot of money, by creating beautiful tattoos.

This shows that Cleo worked very hard and lots of people like her art. When people enjoy what you do, you can earn money to buy things you need or want. Cleo’s story tells us that following your dreams can lead to success and even fill up a giant piggy bank!

Famous Reason

Cleo Kinnaman became super famous. She is amazing at drawing tattoos. They look like real pictures on people’s skin! Imagine having a drawing that looks like your favorite movie star or singer. But, it’s actually a tattoo.

Cleo excels at crafting these, earning her widespread admiration for her work. She has drawn tattoos of famous people. They include Salvador Dali and Kurt Cobain. This makes her art super cool and special. People from all over the world look at her tattoos and say “Wow!” That’s what made her famous.

Cleo Kinnaman’s nationality and religion.

Cleo Kinnaman was born in a beautiful country called Belgium, which makes her Belgian. Imagine if you were born in a place with lots of chocolate and beautiful buildings, that’s where she’s from! As she grew up and moved around, she got to learn about different places and people.

She keeps her beliefs private. For example, her special holidays and her way of thinking. Everyone has a favorite color or ice cream flavor. They also have their own special beliefs.

Cleo Kinnaman Legacy and Impact

Cleo Kinnaman is like a superhero in the world of tattoos. She shows people that tattoos can be beautiful pictures that tell stories on our skin. Cleo makes tattoos of famous faces. She also teaches others. She helps everyone see that tattoos are a special kind of art.

Her amazing work makes many people happy and inspires them to be brave artists too. Just like when you draw a picture and someone smiles, Cleo’s tattoos make the world a more colorful and fun place. She’s teaching the world to love art, one tattoo at a time!

Cleo Kinnaman Future Plains

Cleo Kinnaman has big dreams for her future! She wants to keep making her special tattoos that make people say “Wow!” She plans to learn even more ways to draw on skin, making her art even more amazing. Cleo also hopes to travel to new places around the world.

By visiting different countries, she can find new ideas and bring them back to her art. Imagine going on a treasure hunt but for cool tattoo ideas! Cleo’s future is all about drawing, traveling, and making more friends with her art. She’s excited to see where her drawing adventures take her next!


  • Cleo loves to draw pictures. She uses pencils and paper to make her art.

  • She enjoys traveling to new places. It helps her find new ideas for her tattoos.

  • Reading books is fun for Cleo. She learns a lot from stories.

  • Listening to music is something Cleo does every day. It makes her happy.

  • Cleo likes walking outside. She finds it peaceful and calming.

  • Watching movies is one of Cleo’s favorite things to do. She likes stories that make her think.

  • Cleo spends time playing with her pets. They make her smile and feel loved.

Interesting Facts About Cleo Kinnaman

  • Cleo started drawing cool pictures on skin, called tattoos, when she was just 14 years old. That’s like being in 8th grade!

  • She loves to make tattoos that look like real people and famous stars. Imagine having a picture of your favorite singer that stays with you forever!

  • Cleo got to go to a big tattoo party in London in 2016. It’s a place where many artists show their amazing work.

  • She was on the cover of a magazine about tattoos. That means a lot of people thought she was super good at her art.

  • Cleo was once married to a TV star named Joel. They were a couple but then decided not to be together anymore.

  • She has more than 190,000 friends following her on Instagram, where she shows off her tattoo art. That’s like the whole town of people liking what you do!

  • Cleo made tattoos of Salvador Dali and Kurt Cobain. They were very famous artists and musicians.


What does Cleo Kinnaman do?

She makes amazing tattoos, drawing pictures on people’s skin with ink!

How old was she when she started?

Cleo was 14, kind of like a middle schooler, when she began making tattoos.

Did she marry someone famous?

Yes, she was previously married to a TV star named Joel Kinnaman, but they are no longer married.

Can she make a tattoo of anyone?

Yes! Cleo can tattoo faces of famous people like singers and movie stars. She excels at crafting convincing illusions!

How can I see her tattoos?

You can see her cool tattoos on Instagram where she shows them to more than 190,000 people!

Does Cleo like to do things other than tattoos?

Yes! She loves drawing with pencils. She also loves traveling and reading books. Cleo enjoys listening to music and walking outside. She likes watching movies and playing with her pets.


Cleo Kinnaman is a super talented tattoo artist. She draws amazing pictures on skin. Cleo makes them look like real photos! She draws famous faces. She explores the world for new ideas. Cleo is always busy creating beautiful art. Her marriage to a TV star pales beside her outstanding art.

With lots of people following her on Instagram, she shares her cool tattoos with fans all over. Cleo shows us that if you love doing something, like drawing or tattoos, you can become good at it. You can then share your talent with the world. Isn’t that awesome?

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